Thursday 25 December 2014

The Conspiracies Series #2- The Moon Landing

2. The moon landing pictures were real, but every other photo is forged.

The old version of the moon landing conspiracy claims that the U.S government hired Stanley Kubrick to film some fraudulent footage of Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong bounding around on the surface. This was allegedly done so the American public could picture the Russians dashing their furry hats to the ground and saying "darn it!", while a comedy trombone played in the background. But this theory does not stand up for two reasons. Firstly, Kubrick was such a perfectionist that the Russians would have established a moon colony long before he approved the final edit. Secondly, the Americans wouldn't make up a story about landing on the moon without also including a bit where they liberate the moon people by overthrowing their tyrannical rulers. The truth behind the moon landing is not only more devious than any previous theory, but also makes full account of all the available evidence.

During the 50s and 60s, the 'space race' was at the forefront of everyone's mind. Both the Americans and Russians went to great lengths to prove their country's power by launching insects, dogs, monkeys, and bears into orbit. Neither country knew what it was proving with this, but each had their separate theories. The Russians thought it was a question of getting the biggest animal into space, and began keeping an elephant in a centrifuge in preparation for launching it into the atmosphere. Kennedy seemed to think that the point of using so many animals astronauts was to build a zoo on Mars, and shipped an entire aviary to NASA. But at some point in the early 60s, the idea came about that sending a human being to the moon would prove once and for all who was the best at building rocket ships. It was then, while closely examining the moon, that government-funded astronomers on both sides made a horrifying discovery- the object in the night sky which we call the moon was really Earth, while humanity had been living on the moon all along! For both the Americans and Russians the problems with this discovery were twofold. Were the public ready for the revelation that they lived on the moon? And what of the damage the announcement could have for the credibility of either government? No leader would be prepared to stand up before the whole world and say, "Sorry everyone, but it turns out we live on the moon. We thought we lived on Earth". The central worry was that the masses would react with anger at being inconvenienced with such a massive piece of information, and inflict that anger on whoever blew their minds. The decision was therefore taken to suppress the findings and leave some other country to invoke the furious irritation of the public. As an interesting side note, the truth about the moon-Earth relationship was in fact discovered centuries prior, by Galileo. Considering their options, the Catholic church had him placed under house arrest and told everyone that his discovery had been about the Earth's orbit around the sun. The fact that the church chose to concede this blow to their worldview speaks volumes about their fear of people finding out that we all live on the moon.

Meanwhile in the 1960s, the Russian and American governments had a major problem on their hands. So much posturing had gone into claiming that each side would be the first to the moon, one of them had to produce something or the deception would be unmasked. It was eventually agreed that the Americans would stage the 'landing' in their own country, and in return the Russians could flood Hollywood with subliminal communist propaganda. So it was that on the 20th of July 1969, Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong went out to the back garden of the White House and jumped around a bit, while Kennedy filmed them from the kitchen window. Anyone who wishes to corroborate my version of events need only take an ordinary "Earth" rock and compare it with any of the rocks which NASA claim were "brought back" from the moon. They will be identical, because they were taken from the same ground we all walk upon, specifically the bottom of the White House garden, where Marilyn Monroe was trying to grow rhubarb.

Stage two of the deception required that no observant free thinker should notice that they were actually living on the moon, and make a fuss about it. To ensure this, a massive project of evidence tampering began, wherein all mass media was heavily edited to make it look as though it were filmed on Earth. There is a reason why cinema and television from the 1970s appears so far removed from everyday reality, and that reason is because all fiction is set on an interpretation of what Earth is like, while we all live on the damn moon. I feel that a comparison may help to illustrate the difference. Here is a photograph taken in the 1940s, before the governments began their frantic cover up:

To an unbiased eye, this photo was clearly taken on the moon. Look at the way the flag is bunching up as it is raised into position. Shouldn't an Earth flag be hanging downwards relative to the flag pole? The American government will try to tell you that the flag was flapping that way due to the direction of Earth's winds, but don't be fooled. Nobody knows how the winds on Earth truly work, because nobody has ever been there. The flag in this picture is moving under the influence of the moon's gravity, which is far lower that that of the real Earth. The only winds in play here are solar winds, which as we all know, come from space. Now look at the soldiers. Isn't it suspicious that we can't see their faces? This is because they were all wearing astronaut helmets under their army costumes, and the breathing devices had to be hidden. I also find their poses very suspect, exaggerated even. It's almost as though they're holding onto the flag to prevent themselves floating off into space. Next, let's look at an image from a film released after the Americans began their blanket propaganda campaign to prevent us suspecting the truth.

Are we really supposed to believe that Earth looks like this? Rather than ramble through all the obvious errors in this image, I'll simply present a list:

- The hair. Sealed in place with hairspray to prevent it waving about in low gravity.

- Suspiciously large boots counteracting same low gravity levels.

- The gut is sucked in to an absurd degree. Actor clearly holding in a lungful of sweet oxygen from a canister prior to cameras rolling.

- Notice how actor is pointing up while clenching his fist towards the ground. A covert message which pleads with us to LEARN THE TRUTH.

- Despite all of Jimmy Carter's attempts to maintain the lie, actor's jacket still flaps loosely in the moon's atmosphere.

- Not a single tree or mountain in shot.

I would like to end this portfolio of evidence with a final observation. It would be so easy for us to reveal the truth behind the moon landing footage if we could just get John F Kennedy to admit his involvement. Yet due to his assassination, we cannot. And as we all know, part of the speculation surrounding the JFK assassination was the 'magic bullet theory', wherein a bullet appeared to perform an impossible swerve in order to strike both the president and his driver. Impossible in terms of Earth physics perhaps, but on the moon...

Well, need I say more?